Wednesday, September 3, 2014

No More Fun With Bob and Jayne: Now It's Just EPX and ME

I'm sort of blog-hopping here. Since May I have tried to talk honestly about belonging to Advanced Marketing Concepts (AMC), which was so UNadvanced that the experience was trying at best and ridiculous at worst. I honestly don't think the whole thing was a scam, but I never made any money. In fact, I decided in early July to join EPXOne80 after I heard they were starting a new business model of allowing distributors to purchase customers on auto-ship. The wording since then has changed to pre-paying for guaranteed marketing of customers on auto-ship, since you can't buy people... but the concept remains the same. Pay $45, wait a little while, and PRESTO there is a customer in your downline. It's a great concept and it can make a lot of people a LOT of money (more about that later) so I jumped in. I knew I had done a good thing when I got an email about a week later (maybe less) saying AMC was closing up shop and becoming a big old branch of EPX. What a surprise! No really, I was quite surprised. So my blog, "Fun With Bob and Jayne" has run its course. Because I had already joined EPX without Bob and Jayne Guzzetti I won't be in that big old AMC branch. I am on the Bottom Line Team (BLT) which just happens to be the same team the Guzzetti's joined with their bazillion members, but it was just coincidence and we won't be very closely related on this Team Tree. So Goodbye, Jayne. Goodbye, Bob. I bet you're really nice people and some day we may even meet in person. What many many people have recognized in EPX is that this company is poised to EXPLODE. I know only a few of the details but here's what I've got: 1. You can pre-pay for marketing of a customer for your downline. (Trivita did this several years ago and there are many people who made a FORTUNE with that model... and many of them are in EPX now!) 2. A brand new, very skilled and experienced senior management team has just taken control with the original founder still very much active and alive in the company management. It is a good sign when a founder can recognize that he needs management help with the growth he is experiencing and/or envisioning. A true TEAM PLAYER. 3. The company has been purchased by a publicly held company. Great! Big money. But nobody knows who it is yet, and if they know they're not saying. Word should be out any day now. 4. EPX has many different programs - EPXBody, EPXOne80, EPXTrader... and if you are involved with any of it you can get paid commissions from any other part of it. That's right, you don't have to be involved with fitness at all to get commissions if your downline joins EPXBody and starts buying supplements. Most (maybe all?) other companies will require that you be enrolled in a particular program before getting paid from that program. 5. EPX guarantees your income! That's right. If you follow their program for six months and aren't making $1000/month after six months, they will give you your money back. That's some commitment. 6. With the EPXBody 90 Day Challenge, you get PAID PER POUND you lose. I'm all in! After two weeks I have lost nearly 15 pounds. My goal is 30. More updates on this to come! So goodbye Georgia folks... hello Utah folks!

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