Tuesday, September 9, 2014

If This is Economic Recovery, We ALL Need to Start a Business.

The New York Times published an article yesterday (http://nyti.ms/1tElQtC) regarding how American households are doing financially and whether or not we are truly in an economic recovery.  The answer, not surprisingly, is It Depends.

The Federal Reserve surveys thousands of households every three years.  The results of that Survey of Consumer Finances for 2013 are in, and in comparison to 2010 some Americans are doing better.  But, alas, not all Americans.  The households that are in the top 20% of income reported a decent 4.3% increase in pretax income; college graduates a 1.1% increase (adjusted for inflation).  Everyone else - EVERYONE else - saw a decline.  This means that in 2010, which was smack in the middle of the Great Recession, most of American families had more income than they did in 2013.  

All families saw a drop in their income of 4.7% and young families - those with a head of household younger than 35 - saw a 6.1% drop.  The poorest 20% of Americans saw a drop in income of 3.5%.  But nobody was hit harder than seniors (households headed by someone 75 or older).  Their income dropped 8.7%. Doesn't sound like many retirees and baby boomers coming close to retirement are feeling an economic recovery at all.  

Being one of those baby boomers myself, it seems to me that the best plan of action is to start a business, rather than try to save more for retirement.  I need an income that has the possibility of increasing in bad times as well as good times.  I need an income with the potential for real, measurable, exponential growth.  Treasury bills and savings accounts at their measly little .5% annual yield just aren't going to cut it.  

So here comes EPX to the rescue!  Not just a company that has a guaranteed income after 6 months, but a company that allows me to pay $45 for guaranteed marketing of a customer on monthly autoship.  Customers that will fill my matrix. A matrix and a pay plan that truly has the potential to deliver a six figure income PER MONTH. 

If you are considering EPX but are on the fence, NOW is the time to hop off that fence and get going.  The first round of pre-purchased customers are starting to get placed, and if you join RIGHT NOW, you could have some of those customers placed under you just because of overflow.  With only 4 members your monthly cost (which is just $24.95!) is paid for.  This is a no-brainer.  

Join me now!

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