Friday, September 12, 2014

Last Night's Corporate Call: Really? That's It?

So I was hoping last night's EPX Corporate call with founder Dan Putnam would lay my fears to rest regarding the whole Customer Acquisition Program, and new management/ownership. And it did, sort of...

 What we got was exactly 50 minutes of guys talking very fast. First up was... Osmond? He emphasized that the customer acquisition program IS working, just more slowly than expected due to an emphasis on quality, training, and auditing the call centers before placing the customers they get for us. Okay, that makes sense. I'd rather have a slight delay and get one customer who really wants the VIP Deals program than to have three customers placed under me quickly who don't use the product and cancel in one or two months!

 Then we heard from George Daniel, and you could hear his ten gallon hat when he talked (aka True Texan). I have no memory of what he said. Next up was Casey Jensen from Anubis Partners out of Dallas. (Aha! We're getting somewhere. Anubis Partners is owned by Island Capital Group, one of the largest commercial real estate banking companies in the world with offices on Fifth Avenue in New York. Island Capital Group was founded by Andrew Farkas, a Harvard legacy after whom the Hasty Pudding Club's space was renamed Farkas Hall. We are talking very serious money.) Casey Jensen said... pretty much the same as the first two guys. "We are very excited. This is going to be FABULOUS."

 Actually, somebody did mention that the first weekend of 2015 there will be a rebranding campaign kickoff that will make the EPX products a household name. Okay! I'll take that. And another somebody mentioned that those of us who are active and stay patient through September will get one share. I could not hear what I was getting a share of. Fast talking and all, and my cats were having it out in the background. (Perhaps it is a share of Island Global Yachting, one of Island Capital Group's affiliate companies!)

 The actual takeaway of the call was this: EPX is not drying up and blowing away in the wind; it is in the infant stages of becoming huge. There will be some big money backing the "retooling" of the brand, product line, business model (with the Customer Acquisition Program), etc. but those of us lucky enough to have jumped on board and stayed aboard will be very, very happy with that decision. Like I always say, "Good things come to those who wait. (But better things come to those who go out and get them.)" I've gone out and gotten the good thing, and now it's my turn to hone my patience skills while I wait. And yes, I am very excited. This IS going to be FABULOUS.

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